Seventy-five to ninety percent of doctor visits are for stress-related complaints. Stress is an equal opportunity destroyer. It doesn't matter where you live, what you do for a living, or how much money you make—stress affects us all. Left unresolved, stress seriously compromises our health. Is your mind healthy?
There are many ways to promote health in your Mind such as living mindfully, laughing, breathing, practicing yoga, meditating, having fun, changing your framework, releasing perfection, living in the flow, being authentic, and living proactively. Four Quadrant Living can help you today!

The good news is that stress is not what happens to us. It is how we react to the stressors. Two people can be faced with the same stressful event and react differently. This means we have the power to manage our stress. If we can quiet our mind, we can relax (and heal) our body.
Below are a few simple ways to bring down your stress level. Some are coping strategies and some are relaxation methods—both important for reducing stress. Find one or more that resonate with you and make a pledge to incorporate them into your life today.
For additional ideas, check out the Mind Blog.