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Sunday, 31 October 2010 12:35

Sardines, and Quinoa, and Kale! Oh My!

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Two years ago, I never would have imagined that I'd actually be enjoying sardines, quinoa, and kale in my diet. I didn't know what quinoa was, I probably couldn't have picked out kale from the other greens in the market, and well, sardines, forget it—I knew what those were and they held no appeal. Fast forward to two years later... I just got back from Trader Joe's with 10 boxes of sardines, I always have quinoa in the house, and kale is a weekly staple from the Farmer's Market. If any of these foods are not yet in your diet, I encourage you to try them because they are packed with nutrients and can be quite tasty.

Sardines are a great source of omega-3s. Perhaps you have heard about omega-3s, as they have been in the press lately. The American diet tends to be high in omega-6s (e.g. meats, dairy, fried foods, processed foods containing partially-hydrogenated oils, and many cooking oils), but not high in omega-3s. The recommended ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s is no more than 4:1, but most Americans have a 10:1 or 20:1 ratio in their diet. Omega-3s are most known for their ability to reduce the inflammation associated with many chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disease, and arthritis. Sardines are a healthy fat with lots of omega-3s. (For more information on omega-3s and healthy fats, see Say Yes to Fat (and Omega-3s)). Sardines are also known to lower blood pressure by inhibiting ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme). They are a good source of vitamin D, vitamin B12, and calcium. And surprisingly, they are quite tasty! I first tried sardines by grilling them with a little lemon and serving them as an appetizer on whole wheat crackers or bread. This was actually very good. I then decided to put them in a "salad" similar to how I eat my canned tuna and salmon, resulting in my Sardine Salad recipe. This sardine salad is now a regular staple in my lunch rotation and I actually look forward to it. Believe me, I never would have imagined that I would be blogging about the tastiness of sardines. If I have come around to these nutrient-packed fish, you might too!

Quinoa is a great option for those who are allergic to gluten because it is naturally gluten-free. Quinoa is an ancient “grain” native to South America and was once called “the gold of the Incas”, recognized for its value in increasing the stamina of their warriors. Quinoa is cooked and eaten like a grain, but is technically a seed. It is actually related to the beet, chard, and spinach plants. Quinoa is described as having a light, nutty flavor. It is unique in that it is a complete protein (i.e. it has all of the essential amino acids). Complete proteins are typically found in foods like meat and dairy. Quinoa also has iron, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, and other minerals. It is necessary to rinse quinoa well before cooking because of its natural coating called saponin. While this coating is good for repelling insects and birds, it creates a bitter taste unless rinsed well. Quinoa is good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You can add beans and vegetables to quinoa for a great lunch or add nuts and fruits to it for a good breakfast. You can also try my Pomegranate Quinoa Salad recipe.

Kale is a green, leafy vegetable that is a member of the cruciferous or cabbage family. Other greens of the cabbage family that offer similar benefits are mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens, kohlrabi, and watercress. Kale is among the most highly nutritious vegetables. It is a great source of carotenes, vitamins C and B (1,2 and 6), manganese, iron, and calcium. Kale is one of the top 12 foods with the highest pesticides, so try to buy organic if you can. (For more information on which fruits and vegetables to buy organic see Buy (Some) Organic). Kale is available throughout the year, although it is most widely available from the middle of winter through the beginning of spring. Kale can be used in salads, soups, or sauteed with garlic and lemon juice. For me, kale is just okay in soups and salads in terms of taste. The only way I truly look forward to eating kale is as "chips", as detailed in my Kale Chips recipe. Kale cooked this way gives the crunch of a potato chip and tastes good enough to go back for seconds.

This week, are you up for trying one of these foods if they are new to you? The worst that can happen is that you don't like it and then you never eat it again. The best that can happen is that you have a new food in your diet that is packed with nutrients. Kale chips are a great alternative to potato chips. A quinoa salad is perfect for you to bring to the next potluck. And a sardine pita is a great lunch option. If none of these appeal to you or are not new to you, how about going to the Farmer's Market (or grocery store) this week and trying a food that is new to you—real foods only, processed foods don't count! (For more information on what counts as a real food, see Eat This Way). I've recently discovered figs and persimmons from the Farmer's Market, both of which I now buy regularly when they are in season. Let us know what new food you try this week.

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