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Wednesday, 06 November 2013 00:00

Trigger Happy

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One of the best things you can do for your relationships is to identify your triggers. A trigger is an unresolved issue from your past that continues to resurface throughout your life. Think of times in your relationships when you overreacted to a situation—where the reaction you had was way bigger than was warranted for the actual event. In this instance, there was likely a trigger involved.

Let me give you a recent example of one of my triggers to help explain the power of these unresolved issues. Last weekend I woke up to find my husband gone from the house. The previous evening we had talked about possibly going to a morning gym class. I woke up at 8:53 and the class was at 9am. I was in total disbelief that my husband would have gone without waking me up to see if I had wanted to go. I was seething. I flew out of bed and made it to the gym by 9:10am. There wasn't a lot of time to discuss the issue during the class but he could tell I had steam coming out of my ears.

After class, my husband truly had no idea why I was so upset. He said he had tried to wake me but I did not budge. So, he left. For him, it was as simple as that. For me, it was much more complicated. How hard did he really try? If he had really wanted to wake me, I'm pretty sure he could have. How could he abandon me? Ah... the trigger. Abandonment.

Hi, my name is Dina and I have abandonment issues. My parents divorced when I was three years old. Although both of my parents were active in my life, I suppose I still felt abandoned because I did not have the traditional family unit that all of my friends had. For years, I desperately wanted (secretly hoped) for my parents to get back together. When I was 12 years old, my sister went to go live with my dad. Perhaps this was another sense of abandonment? And when I was 15, my dad and stepmother, who had been a big part of my childhood, divorced. Abandoned again.

I don't think about being abandoned in my daily life today. After all, these events happened decades ago. I have a great relationship with my parents who have always been a significant part of my life and who I know love me very much. I have a "new" (10 years and counting) loving and nurturing stepmom in my life. And, I am married to a husband who I know will never abandon me. However, none of this seems to matter when I wake up one Sunday morning to an empty house and, just like that, I am a three year old child feeling abandoned again. My reaction to my husband going to the gym without me was really quite ridiculous. It's pretty easy for me to see this now. However, in the moment, it felt entirely valid and I was truly angry.

What is your trigger? Is it feeling abandoned? Deprived? Vulnerable? Someone with an abandonment trigger feels that people can’t be relied on to be around when they need them. They might react by avoiding close relationships, being clingy, or repeatedly accusing people close to them of being unavailable. They may find ways to drive normally reliable people off, thus making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. Someone with a deprivation trigger can feel like things are never enough and so they turn off others with their constant demands. They may choose relationships with people who aren’t capable of giving care or support. Someone with a vulnerability trigger has an exaggerated fear that some catastrophe is about to strike. They may be overly conscientious to ensure a feeling of safety. I have only mentioned a few of the triggers here, but there are others. For more information on triggers, check out Tara Bennett-Goleman's Emotional Alchemy.

Emotions have power, but it is up to us whether that power is positive or negative. It is when we are not in touch with our emotions that we react. In this case, the emotions have the power and we have vanished. We are no longer present. In the moment, we can feel like we have no control over what we say or do. The trigger leads the way. In my case, my reaction toward my husband had nothing to do with him. However without this awareness (preferably before the reaction, but after is better than nothing), my relationship could certainly have been affected. By not owning up to our triggers, we bring our past baggage to our current relationships. This really isn't fair to our new relationships.

So, what can we do about our triggers? The best thing to do is to try to sit with the emotion as you are feeling it. Take a few breaths and really feel the emotion. Try to identify where in your body you are feeling the emotion. What is coming up for you? Why are you reacting so strongly? If I had given myself a moment before flying out of bed to really think about what I was feeling and why I was feeling it, I may have been able to understand that I was being triggered. I didn't do this. Instead, I reacted. Awareness is a great first step toward not being trigger happy. The more we can be aware of our triggers, the less likely they are to repeat over and over again throughout our lives—and the healthier our relationships can be.

Next time you are overreacting to a situation, try to take a moment and think about whether you are being triggered. Can you be aware of the emotion instead of letting it take hold of you?

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    I initially started working with Dina to help me with my diet for an autoimmune disease I have been battling for years. She has also helped me with stress, relationships, and work. She is very encouraging. I am now happier and healthier because of Dina. She truly cares about you and it definitely shows in the difference it has made in my life.
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    Dina has provided me with the tools and knowledge that I needed to make changing to a healthier lifestyle a manageable goal. She never judged me when I stumbled but has only given me the encouragement and steps I needed to get back up and try again. I will be forever grateful to Dina because she has literally saved my life from the downward spiral I was in.
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    After the my mom's death, I withdrew from life. Dina helped me move past the self-destructive tendencies I had used to cope with my grief. She is a compassionate listener, offers gentle suggestions, and provides nonthreatening accountability. Through our sessions she helped me balance my life. I don't know where I'd be without her.
    Liz L.
  • Lost 10 pounds

    Working with Dina has helped me to manage and control my prediabetes. I have lost 10 pounds with her guidance by being more aware of the food I am eating. I like working with Dina because I feel that she really tries to find ways for me to be healthy in my life—the things I like to do and eat—rather than providing a cookie cutter solution.
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    Dina and her Four Quadrant Living consistently give me simple, easy to implement suggestions to make my entire life healthier. With Dina's gentle guidance, I have vastly improved the way I eat, the way I deal with stress and, basically, the way I balance my life. It is impossible to not feel better, stronger and happier when working with Dina.
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    Dina's approach is never threatening or condescending and she offers a variety of services that fit many, many different needs - whether just a little nudge when it comes to diet or organization or an all-out weekly session helping with all four quadrants. Highly recommend!
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    It wasn't just about food but my overall well-being. I got the tools to work toward the things that I wanted to achieve. I love that I can email Dina with any question that I might have along the way! I highly recommend her.
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    By the end of the 3rd week (of the Detox Program), I started to notice changes. I felt less tired and was actually sleeping less. I was amazed at the improvement in my well being. Dina was great in providing information and motivation throughout the program. She presented a nice balance of telling me what I needed to know without overwhelming me.
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    Dina offered ideas on dealing with my job stress. I felt the ideas really catered to me and my job specifically, rather than being some general ideas I could get from internet research. I use one of the fantastic ideas religiously to help destress after every shift. I was so pleased with my experience, I recommended Dina's Four Quadrant Living to my sister.
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