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Monday, 19 March 2012 18:20

If Diet Coke Were Broccoli

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Have you really not thought about how cool it would be if Diet Coke (feel free to substitute your favorite unhealthy food here) were broccoli? I can't be the only one who has entertained such thoughts. We all know that broccoli is a superfood with a lot of reasons to make it a staple in your diet. On the other hand, Diet Coke doesn't have a redeeming nutritional quality about it. But, I like it.

For at least two decades, I've had a close, loyal relationship with Diet Coke. I wasn't into health so I didn't know any better. I mean I kind of knew that it wasn't the best "food" for me, but how bad could it be? It has 0 calories, 0 fat, 40 mg of sodium, 0 carbs, and 0 protein. So I could maybe concede that it's not giving me any nutritional benefits, but is it really harmful to me?

DC (hey, is there any coincidence here that those are my initials too?) and I had a very consistent, predictable relationship. Every day, I had one DC at lunch time. I never had more than one and typically not less than one. I knew that drinking it in excess might not be ideal, but a can a day seemed pretty restrained. I suppose our relationship bordered on addiction because I did go out of my way to make sure I had my can a day. If I was out at a restaurant and they didn't have DC (Diet Pepsi just won't do), I would go to a nearby place to get it and bring it back to the restaurant. And, it had to be a can. Fountain Diet Coke never seemed to satisfy, so with time I learned not to even bother ordering it if it wasn't in a can.

In the fall of 2008, my journey to health began. I dove into learning about nutrition and one day I decided to break up with Diet Coke cold turkey. I had just bought a case from Costco so it wasn't the greatest timing, but my mind was made up. I took all of the cans and poured them down the sink. I didn't break up with DC because I didn't like it anymore. I still do. I broke up with it because it's not good for my health.

So what are the harmful effects of drinking soda? Researchers believe that diet sodas contribute to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes. Some say that regular soda is preferable despite the increase in calories because it doesn't contain the artificial sweeteners. Unfortunately, I don't like the taste of regular Coke. I've heard many a warning about aspartame, the sweetener in Diet Coke. It is believed to cause side effects like headaches, dizziness, mood changes, loss of memory (hmmm... I do have a really bad memory), and skin reactions. In addition, soda consumption has been linked to lower bone density, since it can block your bones' absorption of calcium. Plus, when I'm drinking DC, I'm choosing not to drink something else—like a healthy glass of water.

For a couple of years, I didn't drink DC. And then DC came back into my life. I'm all about having balance. A part of health is pleasure and denying ourselves all of our favorite foods is not healthy. So, I thought it was okay if every now and then I had my Diet Coke as a treat. This worked fine for a while. Every couple of months, I would enjoy DC. But then, every couple of months turned into more and more frequent dalliances. I would only buy one can at a time, but I found myself going out of my way to get it. And then recently, I bought a 12-pack. Logically, it was more economical and efficient. I would have the cans in the house when I wanted them. The problem was, I wanted a can a day.

I always say that when you are in a low willpower state, you have to help yourself. If I could have the cans in the house and drink them on an irregular basis, that would be one thing. But the temptation is just too great right now because our relationship seems to have picked up right where we left off. Even though I am a Healthy Living Coach, it doesn't mean I don't have my temptations. And DC is a strong one for me. So today, I'm breaking up again. Right now, we just can't be friends. Having an on and off again relationship is not working for me. I broke up successfully before so I know I can do it again. As a ceremonious breaking up, I just poured the remaining cans down the sink.

Goodbye, my friend. Perhaps when I'm strong enough we can meet again for a very irregular, special occasion meeting. But for now, DC must say goodbye to DC, at least until the day that the makers of Diet Coke can give it the nutritional benefits of broccoli. Hey—a girl can dream.

Breaking up with Diet Coke (again), March 2012

Dina Colman, MA, MBA is an author, healthy living coach, and founder of Four Quadrant Living. Dina has a private practice helping clients live healthier and happier lives. Her book, Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life, guides readers to make healthy living a part of their daily lives, leading to greater health, vitality, and happiness. Contact Dina at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • She truly cares

    I initially started working with Dina to help me with my diet for an autoimmune disease I have been battling for years. She has also helped me with stress, relationships, and work. She is very encouraging. I am now happier and healthier because of Dina. She truly cares about you and it definitely shows in the difference it has made in my life.
    Mary M.
  • Guidance & knowledge

    Reaching out to Dina was one of the best decisions I've made this past year. Every aspect of my life; spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, was out of balance. She was and continues to be exactly what my life was missing; someone to hold me accountable, a cheerleader, a confidant, a trustworthy advisor, a coach!
    Lisa H.
  • Saved my life

    Dina has provided me with the tools and knowledge that I needed to make changing to a healthier lifestyle a manageable goal. She never judged me when I stumbled but has only given me the encouragement and steps I needed to get back up and try again. I will be forever grateful to Dina because she has literally saved my life from the downward spiral I was in.
    Kristin A.
  • Helped me balance my life

    After the my mom's death, I withdrew from life. Dina helped me move past the self-destructive tendencies I had used to cope with my grief. She is a compassionate listener, offers gentle suggestions, and provides nonthreatening accountability. Through our sessions she helped me balance my life. I don't know where I'd be without her.
    Liz L.
  • Lost 10 pounds

    Working with Dina has helped me to manage and control my prediabetes. I have lost 10 pounds with her guidance by being more aware of the food I am eating. I like working with Dina because I feel that she really tries to find ways for me to be healthy in my life—the things I like to do and eat—rather than providing a cookie cutter solution.
    Diane C.
  • Feel stronger and happier

    Dina and her Four Quadrant Living consistently give me simple, easy to implement suggestions to make my entire life healthier. With Dina's gentle guidance, I have vastly improved the way I eat, the way I deal with stress and, basically, the way I balance my life. It is impossible to not feel better, stronger and happier when working with Dina.
    Gracie T.
  • Offers variety of services

    Dina's approach is never threatening or condescending and she offers a variety of services that fit many, many different needs - whether just a little nudge when it comes to diet or organization or an all-out weekly session helping with all four quadrants. Highly recommend!
    Tiffany T.
  • Highly recommend her

    It wasn't just about food but my overall well-being. I got the tools to work toward the things that I wanted to achieve. I love that I can email Dina with any question that I might have along the way! I highly recommend her.
    Gabriela V.
  • Amazed at improvement

    By the end of the 3rd week (of the Detox Program), I started to notice changes. I felt less tired and was actually sleeping less. I was amazed at the improvement in my well being. Dina was great in providing information and motivation throughout the program. She presented a nice balance of telling me what I needed to know without overwhelming me.
    Dave L.
  • Invested in her clients

    Dina offered ideas on dealing with my job stress. I felt the ideas really catered to me and my job specifically, rather than being some general ideas I could get from internet research. I use one of the fantastic ideas religiously to help destress after every shift. I was so pleased with my experience, I recommended Dina's Four Quadrant Living to my sister.
    Bev Y.