Okay, so I'm writing this blog from Hawaii where it is pretty easy to find peace by nature. But still, peace by nature can be found anywhere. You just have to realize the power of it and make the time to do it (even just a few minutes can bring you instant serenity). There is so much talk about the environment these days. We hear about our carbon footprints and living green. We talk about reducing, reusing, and recycling. We learn about global warming and environmental toxins. We are told that how we are living is poisoning the environment which in turn is making us sick. When I am in nature, all of this fades into the background and I can simply be. I feel one with the environment and am in awe of it.
When I think of times where I have felt connected to something larger than myself, nature is somehow always involved. What are the times in your life when you saw the bigger picture and felt wonder with the world? One time that comes to mind for me is watching sea turtles in Costa Rica travel a hundred yards up the shore to lay their softball size eggs. Or sitting on the mountaintop in the Canadian Rockies having climbed to the top, looking out at the open expanse. Or, as I did today, seeing the sun set, hearing the waves crash on the shore, watching the resident seal bask in the sun, and enjoying the dogs as they frolic in exuberant glee in the ocean. While I am here, I can sit for hours enjoying this play of nature.
Nature can give us solace and serenity. I know I am not alone in this feeling. During my week in Hawaii, I have watched people with their nature rituals. One man comes at sunset to the beach every night and enjoys the view with a bottle of wine. Another man travels by bike at this time to watch the sun go down. Another runs along the shore with his trusty black lab by his side, turning around at the same spot daily after a quick dip in the ocean.
Granted—on vacation, it is much easier to have the time to find peace by nature. In our normal daily lives, we have so many demands on our time. And let's be honest, is our neighborhood as peace-conducing as say, the beach in Hawaii? I am a Southern California girl at heart, so finding peace in nature comes much easier in hot sun-filled environments than it does in colder climates. However, there is certainly beauty in the snowfall of winter, the colorful leaves of fall, and the awakening of spring.
For your health, turn to nature. It's free and it can be found in your own backyard. If it's too cold outside, it can also be found inside next to a window with a hot cup of tea in your hand admiring the beauty from inside. For example, from my office window, I (along with my cat, Hollywood) enjoy watching the birds feast on the bird feeder hanging from a nearby tree branch. The more we appreciate nature in all its splendid glory, the more living green will just become a natural part of our lives. Nature gives us a lot. It gives us beautiful places to hike, clean air to breathe, solace in its beauty, and more. Once we learn to see that nature can give us health, we will do what we can to protect it.
Step outside today and take it all in. What do you hear and see? Where is there beauty? Take a few deep breaths and feel the peace that is nature.

Although I was tempted to post a beautiful sunset photo on the beach of Hawaii, this photo was taken on a road near my house. Beauty in nature can be found anywhere.
When I think of times where I have felt connected to something larger than myself, nature is somehow always involved. What are the times in your life when you saw the bigger picture and felt wonder with the world? One time that comes to mind for me is watching sea turtles in Costa Rica travel a hundred yards up the shore to lay their softball size eggs. Or sitting on the mountaintop in the Canadian Rockies having climbed to the top, looking out at the open expanse. Or, as I did today, seeing the sun set, hearing the waves crash on the shore, watching the resident seal bask in the sun, and enjoying the dogs as they frolic in exuberant glee in the ocean. While I am here, I can sit for hours enjoying this play of nature.
Nature can give us solace and serenity. I know I am not alone in this feeling. During my week in Hawaii, I have watched people with their nature rituals. One man comes at sunset to the beach every night and enjoys the view with a bottle of wine. Another man travels by bike at this time to watch the sun go down. Another runs along the shore with his trusty black lab by his side, turning around at the same spot daily after a quick dip in the ocean.
Granted—on vacation, it is much easier to have the time to find peace by nature. In our normal daily lives, we have so many demands on our time. And let's be honest, is our neighborhood as peace-conducing as say, the beach in Hawaii? I am a Southern California girl at heart, so finding peace in nature comes much easier in hot sun-filled environments than it does in colder climates. However, there is certainly beauty in the snowfall of winter, the colorful leaves of fall, and the awakening of spring.
For your health, turn to nature. It's free and it can be found in your own backyard. If it's too cold outside, it can also be found inside next to a window with a hot cup of tea in your hand admiring the beauty from inside. For example, from my office window, I (along with my cat, Hollywood) enjoy watching the birds feast on the bird feeder hanging from a nearby tree branch. The more we appreciate nature in all its splendid glory, the more living green will just become a natural part of our lives. Nature gives us a lot. It gives us beautiful places to hike, clean air to breathe, solace in its beauty, and more. Once we learn to see that nature can give us health, we will do what we can to protect it.
Step outside today and take it all in. What do you hear and see? Where is there beauty? Take a few deep breaths and feel the peace that is nature.

Although I was tempted to post a beautiful sunset photo on the beach of Hawaii, this photo was taken on a road near my house. Beauty in nature can be found anywhere.
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Environment Blog