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Wednesday, 20 October 2010 17:42

An Odd Phenomenon

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Have you noticed that people stop using their legs as soon as they get on an escalator? Are you one of them? It's dumbfounding to me. Notice it next time you get on one. We seem to go into autopilot and just allow the escalator to carry us up or down. The same thing happens on the moving walkways in the airport. Unless you have limitations that prevent you from using your legs on an escalator, don't just go along for the free ride! Okay, granted the escalator did start out as an amusement, not as a practical transportation device. It was first seen in 1859 as a novelty ride at Coney Island. Nonetheless, it is now used to get us from one place to another. Next time you get on an escalator, see it as a way to get to your destination faster, not slower. It is there to help you, but not carry you. The general rule of thumb is to try to get 10,000 steps every day. I highly recommend wearing a pedometer. If you do, I guarantee, you will be using your legs on your next escalator ride to help meet your daily goal of steps!
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