Are Your Relationships Healthy?
Indicators for health and illness in the Relationships quadrant focus on our social health. Having love, support, and intimacy with others can affect our wellness.
→ ASSESS. Answer the questions below and see how healthy your Relationships are.
(A “yes” answer represents an indicator for health and a “no” for illness, unless otherwise noted.)
- Do you have the support that you need from your friends and family to help you on your path to wellness?
- Do you have love in your life?
- Do you participate in a support group?
- Do you have physical intimacy (some form of touch) in your life?
- Do you have compassion for others?
- Do you feel valued and appreciated?
- Do you feel engaged with others?
- Do you have pets or children?
- Do you share pleasure with others?
- Are you a member of a religious or social organization?
- Are you listened to?
- Do you feel accepted?
- Do you have someone in whom you can confide?
- Do you feel alone and in isolation? (“yes” is illness indicator)
- Have you experienced loss in your life recently? (“yes” is illness indicator)
- If you are ill, do you feel ashamed (by society) of having the disease? (“yes” is illness indicator)
→ EVALUATE. Did you answer a lot of the questions in a way that indicated your relationships are not as healthy as they could be? If so, go to the Action step. If not, that's great! You can see how healthy the other quadrants in your life are from the links below.
→ ACTION. Look at where you answered “no” in the earlier questions and try to identify how these can become “yes”. Do the same for the last three questions if you answered “yes” and try to figure out how they can become “no”. Write down one to three ideas that you vow to do starting today for healthier relationships.
If you need help managing your relationships, contact us today!
Are you healthy in other areas of your life? Click below to find out.
Is your mind healthy?
Is your body healthy?
Is your environment healthy?