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Dina Colman Mitchell

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Many of you know that my soda of choice is Diet Coke. I've had an on-again, off-again relationship with it, as I talked about in my blog, "If Diet Coke Were Broccoli." I've even made giving it up part of my 2-0-1-3 Plan and 2-0-1-4 Plan. I have significantly reduced my intake of it, but I still did have it on occasion last year. I know it's not healthy for me, but I love the taste of it. I'm trying again this year to give it up for good. Eight days in and I'm holding strong!

Soda is not good for our health. We know that. Studies show that diet sodas contribute to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes. Some say that regular soda is preferable despite the increase in calories because it doesn't contain the artificial sweeteners. There are many health warnings about aspartame, the sweetener in Diet Coke and many other diet sodas. It is believed to cause side effects like headaches, dizziness, mood changes, loss of memory, and skin reactions. In addition, soda consumption has been linked to lower bone density, since it can block your bones' absorption of calcium.

We may kick the soda habit for health reasons, but it doesn't mean we don't miss the caffeinated, fizzy, sweet pop every now and then. I reached out to the online 4QL community and got some great ideas from all of you! Here are four of my top choices.

1. Unsweetened iced tea. Two good choices are Tejava and Trader Joe's Green & White Tea with Mint. Both are unsweetened with no artificial flavors, and are great plain or with a squeeze of lemon. For those that like the caffeinated jolt of soda, iced tea fits the bill since it contains caffeine.

2. Sparkling water with lemon, lime, or orange slices. For those that like the fizz of soda, the sparkling water gives the drink a little extra something.

3. Sparkling water with a touch of pure fruit juice, like cranberry juice. For those that like the sweetness of soda, the addition of fruit flavors does the trick.

4. Fruit and vegetable flavored water. Add fresh cucumbers, strawberries, mangoes, or lemons, and let them naturally flavor the water.

Being healthy doesn't have to mean depriving yourself of the tastes you like. It just means being creative and finding healthier alternatives. When the urge for a soda strikes, try one of the ideas above and see if it fits the bill.

Do you have a soda that you are trying to break up with? If so, which one and what works for you?

Please share your comments and questions below.



Kick the soda habit for good!





Dina Colman, MA, MBA is an author, healthy living coach, and founder of Four Quadrant Living. Dina has a private practice helping clients live healthier and happier lives. Her Amazon Top 100 book, Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life, guides readers to make healthy living a part of their daily lives, leading to greater health, vitality, and happiness. Contact Dina at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Have you ever been both sad and happy at the same time? Today, I am.

After two-and-a-half years of being on this journey of writing my book, today I am sad and happy at the same time. Today is the day that I say goodbye (in some sense) to my constant companion. I just sent an email to the publisher to say, "It's done."

Technically it's been "done" for months—except that every time I reread it, I find more edits. Move this sentence here, change this verb tense, delete this sentence. As a Type A and perfectionist, when is "done" really done? I've had the excuse of time since we were waiting to get endorsements in for the back cover. The endorsements are in and if we are to stay on track for our October 1 publish date, I have to let go at some point. And that point is today.

I thought today would be a day I would feel elated. "Whew! I'm done with writing the book!" Instead, I feel a mix of emotions. I'm sad, happy, scared, excited, nervous, exhausted, relieved, and more. I no longer need to say "no" to plans because I have to go work on my book. The words on the page are set. 

It's one thing to share my book with a few friends, but it's another to be putting it out there for public consumption for praise, critique, or indifference. Yes, I did send the book to some key people for endorsements, but I didn't actually expect to hear back from them. I mean, I was hoping... I've been overjoyed with getting some amazing endorsements from Ken Wilber, John Robbins, Danny Dreyer, and more, plus a Foreword by Dick Bolles.

Of course, I know I will be spending as much time with my book over the next few years in trying to let others know about it, but it will be a different kind of time together. The intimacy of just me and my book is gone. I'm definitely excited to share it with all of you (and will let you know when it's officially available!). I'm just allowing today to be a day of letting go, of saying goodbye to one stage of the process and hello to the next.

Has there been a time in your life when you felt both sad (for what you were leaving behind) and happy (for what was to come) at the same time? I'd love to hear about it.


Dina Colman, MA, MBA is an author, healthy living coach, and founder of Four Quadrant Living. Dina has a private practice helping clients live healthier and happier lives. Her book, Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life, guides readers to make healthy living a part of their daily lives, leading to greater health, vitality, and happiness. Contact Dina at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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As you may remember, back in January, I wrote about the 2-0-1-3 Plan to help set goals for the year. The "0" was as follows:

0  Commit to doing the ZERO "do it now" item. What is the one thing that has been on your list for years to do that you know would benefit you in some way—career, health, relationships, personal—but you just have never done it? Commit to it to do it this year.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Get out of a toxic relationship that has been bringing you down.
  • Make a change in your job if you feel miserable every day.
  • Go on the trip you've been talking about taking for years.
  • Find a workout regime you like so that you look forward to exercise rather than see it as a chore.
  • Write your memoir.
  • Volunteer.
  • Take classes.

My Zero that I posted on the first of January was: "Join toastmasters. I've been thinking about doing it for over 20 years. It's time."

Well, today was the day I took my first step to doing my "Zero". I went to my first Toastmasters meeting! I remember thinking about doing this as far back as 1993 but I was shy and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Signing on to talk in front of people every week just didn't sound like my idea of fun. Twenty years later, and it's finally time. And dare I say, it was kind of fun!

I searched the internet to find a Toastmasters near me. I didn't know anyone there and had no idea what to expect. As soon as I entered the room, everyone was very welcoming. I loved the format of the meeting in that there are various roles so everyone can be involved. Each of the roles helps you practice different skills. For example, there is one person who evaluates the speeches, one person who manages the flow of the meeting, one person who gives a speech, and so on.

At the beginning of the meeting, I was asked to stand up and introduce myself. Later in the meeting, there was a part called Table Topics where one person decides on the theme and calls on people in the room to come up to answer a question spontaneously for one to two minutes. This is difficult because you have to think on the fly. I had no intention of participating (as a newcomer guest, you can say "no"), but Andy called on me and the group encouraged me, and so I did. I think I did fine for my first time and I didn't feel nervous, but thinking on my feet is not my strength, so Table Topics will definitely be a good exercise for me.

The one role which will be the biggest challenge for me is that they have a joke teller each meeting. I don't think I've ever actually told a joke in my life! The thought of me telling a joke makes me laugh.

Throughout the meeting, the members kept passing notes back and forth to each other and I had no idea why...until I got a note passed that had my name on it. It was from Andy and said, "Dina, Great job! Thank you for taking a chance, overcome any fear to step out of your comfort zone. No longer does the 'Zero' exist in 2013." The notes passed were words of encouragement to each other. Love it!

I wanted to check back in with all of you and I want to hear if you have done your "Zero" yet? If not, what's holding you back? How can we help you take that first step so that your Zero no longer exists in 2013?

Some of the "Zeros" from 4QL readers that were shared in January were:

  • Run an Ultra Marathon.
  • Get organized one room at a time.
  • Live the Dream...my "bucket list"
  • One of two home improvement projects (deck or gutters)
  • Pick up as I go rather than plopping stuff down and then having a mess to pick up!
  • Swim. (No really - I mean it this time!)
  • Will

Taking the first step to do it is the hardest part. It took me 20 years to get to a meeting, but I plan to join and make it a regular Tuesday morning activity.

Please chime in below and let us know about your Zero. If the Zero you set in January is no longer relevant, what's your new Zero? If you didn't set a 2-0-1-3 Plan in January, it's not to late to do it now.


Be sure to get your free eBook to find out how you are doing in each of the four quadrants, plus get practical tips including 5 Steps to Mindfulness, 12 Tips for Fad-Free Eating, 6 Ways to Closer Connections, and 9 Ideas to Detox Your Home. Sign up in the box at the upper right of this page.


Dina Colman, MA, MBA is an author, healthy living coach, and founder of Four Quadrant Living. Dina has a private practice helping clients live healthier and happier lives. Her book, Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life, guides readers to make healthy living a part of their daily lives, leading to greater health, vitality, and happiness. Contact Dina at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Dina Colman

Paying bills, shuttling kids, working, cleaning, cooking, organizing... the list of "to-dos" goes on. Too often, it gets in the way of the "F" word. FUN!

I remember a chapter in Richard Carlson's Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff" that said, “Remind yourself that when you die, your ‘in-basket’ won’t be empty.” I think of this often when I'm saying too much "no" to the fun in my life because of the full in-basket.

Last month, we did the 4QL July Plank Party (Body quadrant) and had great success with it! We had dozens of people chiming in on our facebook page about their strengthening core. It was fun to see the photos people posted of themselves planking at work and at home.

This month we are nourishing the Mind quadrant with the 4QL August One-Fun-Thing-A-Day Party. Do one fun thing for yourself every day. Some days you might indulge in a few hours of fun and other days it may just be a few minutes. Sometimes it might be by yourself and other times with your family and friends. Try to make it happen. It's good for your health.

When my mom got the email with the subject line about the Plank Party, she told me she was excited because she thought the email was going to be filled with cedar plank bbq recipes. I can only imagine what she thought when she saw the subject line of this email!

For me, I know this month will be filled with bike rides on my cruiser, playing with my dog and snuggling with my cat, trail running with friends, "free" reading, going on vacation with my husband... What fun will your month be filled with?

Does this sound like a challenge for you or do you already make enough time for fun? Comment below!

Be sure to forward this on to your friends and family who you think need more fun in their lives!


Be sure to get your free eBook to find out how you are doing in each of the four quadrants, plus get practical tips including 5 Steps to Mindfulness, 12 Tips for Fad-Free Eating, 6 Ways to Closer Connections, and 9 Ideas to Detox Your Home. Sign up in the box at the upper right of this page.


Dina Colman, MA, MBA is an author, healthy living coach, and founder of Four Quadrant Living. Dina has a private practice helping clients live healthier and happier lives. Her book, Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life, guides readers to make healthy living a part of their daily lives, leading to greater health, vitality, and happiness. Contact Dina at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dina Colman

I'm excited so many of you are up for joining the 4QL July Plank Party!

Here's what we are doing. For the month of July, we are doing a plank a day. What's a plank? It's a great way to tone your abdominals, back, glutes, and shoulders.

Set the goal to do planks at least 5 days a week. If you want to be an overachiever, you can do it everyday, but for those just starting out, I would recommend taking a day or two off—at least in the first few weeks. I'm committing to planking Monday through Friday.

You will have greatest success if you join the party with a friend. I have a group text message set up with my friends, Julie and Christy. We text every day and say "done" just to hold ourselves accountable. If you can't find a planking buddy, you have the 4QL community to cheer you along. Just post your successes on this page below in the comments section or on our Facebook page.

We will be doing 5 minutes of planking.

1. Elbow plank

2. Side plank

3. Elbow plank

4. (Other) Side plank

5. Straight arm plank

In the beginning, you will likely not actually be in plank position for the full 5 minutes, unless you have been doing planks for a while. Just try to hold the plank for as long as you can during the minute. If you can only hold it for 10 seconds to start with, that's perfectly okay. Rest for a few seconds and then try again until the minute is up. You can also do a modified plank by putting your knees on the floor. You will still feel your abdominals working.

In between minutes, take about 20-30 seconds to regroup (or more if you need) and then start your next minute. If you prefer to break up your 5 one-minute sets of planks throughout the day, that's okay too. Perhaps you do a one-minute plank in the morning, another at lunch, and so on. The idea is to just do it. However works best for you is the right way to do it.

Planking with the correct form is essential. We don't want you to get injured doing this. Be very careful about not sagging when you do it because that puts strain on your lower back. Concentrate on tilting your pelvis and contracting your abs and glutes.

Elbow Plank

  • Lie face down on the floor (mat, carpet, or grass) resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor.
  • Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows. Your elbows should be in line with your shoulders.
  • Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.
  • Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Contract your abs by imagining someone is about to punch you in the gut. Hold for 60 seconds. If you can't make it to 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 5; continue for 1 minute. Modify by placing your knees on the floor.


Side Plank

  • Lie on your right side with your legs straight.
  • Prop yourself up with your right forearm so your body forms a diagonal line.
  • Rest your left hand on your hip.
  • Brace your abs and hold for 60 seconds. If you can't make it to 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 5; continue for 1 minute. Be sure your hips and knees stay off the floor.

Straight Arm Plank

Same as elbow plank in form, but your hands, rather than forearms are on the mat. Arms are straight.


Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Just post your questions below.

Okay, who's in? Chime in below and sign on for the 4QL July Plank Party! Tell a friend to join the fun!


Be sure to get your free eBook to find out how you are doing in each of the four quadrants, plus get practical tips including 5 Steps to Mindfulness, 12 Tips for Fad-Free Eating, 6 Ways to Closer Connections, and 9 Ideas to Detox Your Home. Sign up in the box at the upper right of this page.


Dina Colman, MA, MBA is an author, healthy living coach, and founder of Four Quadrant Living. Dina has a private practice helping clients live healthier and happier lives. Her book, Four Quadrant Living: Making Healthy Living Your New Way of Life, guides readers to make healthy living a part of their daily lives, leading to greater health, vitality, and happiness. Contact Dina at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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Revised and Updated, 2020